Electronic Oscillator Circuits
The oscillator circuits presented on this page are from expired or non-maintained U.S. Patents. All circuits are presented in "Electronic Workbench 5.12" or "Multisim 7 circuit simulation formats".
A note on spice simulation of
electronic oscillator circuits. All of
the oscillator circuits presented on
this web page have been simulated
using either Electronic Workbench
5.12 or Multisim 7 electronic spice
programs. All of the circuits will
oscillate using the simulator
schematics as shown.. It is
unknown if the circuits will oscillate
on other brands of spice circuit
simulators. If you have problems
getting your circuit to oscillate on
your simulator, You can to email
questions to me at bob@luetzow.us.
This web page is basically about
electronic oscillator circuits and
how to demonstrate the circuit's
oscillating functions using spice
software. The position sensing
oscillators were selected because
they are all expired patents and are
in the public domain.
These oscillator circuit patents can
be located on the U.S. Patent
Web Site in Class 331, Subclass
65 patents.
Oscillator circuits one, six, eleven,
and sixteen have been built using
the part values indicated by the
simulated spice schematic. All
four of the circuits oscillated and
worked correctly when they were
turned on the first time.
This schematic shows how to use a signal voltage source (V1) and a coupling capacitor
(C1) to help an oscillator circuit to start oscillating. The oscillator circuit's part values can
be adjusted to secure the best oscillating characteristics. Everytime the circuit values are
adjusted, lower the value of C1. When C1 is lowered to 1 pF, and the circuit still oscillates
correctly, remove C1 and V1 from the circuit.